
Friday, August 05, 2005

The Launch

1...2.....3.....Boom. I declare MyPensieve Operational!!!

got it?no? you din understand? That was my idea of a Grand Opening Ceremony...
Directions for readin my mind in my pensieve:
1) My mind, as i said, is a complex thing. So always try to get the bigger idea from whatever i write. never think about the bits and pieces of the zigzaw puzzle. the bigger picture is what that matters!

2) I should say, my mind must have been organised in a tree(tat one is for the techies) structure, coz when i think of a word, ten other words come to my mind and so on... till i forget wat i first thought... i represent such thoughts with nested brackets(nother one for the techies)

3) I believe in explaining with examples. Sitting in my cubicle i think, (this is my 4 sqfeet world(honey they shrunk my world(the world is not enough(as if you have the whole world(remember the world is a tiny dot viewed from a billion light years away(hey! it must be cool to be an astronomer(did kalpana chawla speak hindi?(i should learn to speak hindi(how will the world be today without language(language is the best thing that has ever happened to man(how did language happen to be?(it would never been there but for the human ability to think(cool, thought is the best gift that man has ever had(man, i have been wasting my thoughts all these years........(>>>>>>>>(******))))))))))))) Well where was i? ...!@#$% Yeah i know..... That was how this BLOG WAS BORN.

4) One final direction before you read my blog. MAKE YOUR WILL. May be this is too late to warn you. If you are still sane enough to read this line then i should say, you have passed the threshold with flying colors. Bravo!!!!!!!

To understand my mind you should understand me. Well, i am normally a level-headed guy with a decent reputation in the social front. But thats where the trouble starts... to be a level-headed guy you have to forego a lot of comforts of being insane... you waste a lot of time plotting and planning how to think like a level-headed guy. that means that you can never be yourself and do,speak, act-like a level-headed guy whom unfortunately nobody seems to have ever met. Well, to be level-headed you must stress yourself by trying to tweak your own mind. i say that how many most unlevel-headed men are made.

ugh! all this mind talk makes me sick! ok. thats more than enough dosage of my thoughts for now! but as arnie always keeps telling "I'll be back!" No wonder that potter guy is a wizard! how else did he come back undisturbed experiencing so many thoughts of so many encumbered minds?

Do come back again to delve more deeply into the mushy, bushy, hazy,mysterious confines of my mind. bye...


Why in the first place did i start writing this? no idea? well, never mind... i think this is wat they call "mind over matter".

whatever it is, i bid you good bye(at last) with a heavy heart. hey, wait a sec...
why is my heart heavy? shouldn't my head be heavy? where is my mind ? in my head or heart... I don think this would be fruitful...

Now i know i have chosen it correct... to be level-headed...
i have...

lemme go back to my thinking... God... to think that this was just a beginning...!!!

Bless'd be thou who come back for more...

Yuppie... Got it....! i just found out y Oliver Twist was reprimanded for asking more...

Reading my blog is injurious to your brain.